posted under by Sonikku
Well, nobody's submitting, so I decided to submit, myself! Enjoy~


posted under by Sonikku
Sonikku here, I just finished SpritesStar 2.0! All sheets from the old SpritesStar were imported, well, besides Sonic_Luigi15's, as we aren't joining together anymore.


16 New sheets!

posted under by Sonikku
Woo, what a load off of my mind, I finished making icons for EDGE's sheets. A whopping total of 16 sheets!

posted under by Sonikku

Sorry for no updates in awhile. Summer break doesn't seem all that nice as I thought it would..

Anyways, no new sheets, just here to say, lately I've been trying to find a free domain (.com, .net, ect.). I found one, I just need a cell phone, which I do not have. So I will search. If you happen to find a good one (And a free one) that doesn't require a credit card or anything money related, email me at

(No Subject)

posted under by Sonikku
Well, since EDGE's rips will not be put on here without the icons, I'll just say that if anyone wants to make the icons for me, it'd be great just E-Mail me at, and I'll give you the rest of the info.

(No Subject)

posted under by Sonikku
Sup, sorry for not updating for about a month..

I had school, tests, ect. but as soon as EDGE makes the icons (or someone willing to do it for me) then the sheets will be on..

ANYWAYS, soon (probably not though) I may buy a domain name, $5 a month for it too. So soon, we may switch to a non-freewebs.
